Délka studia
4 roky
Získaný titul
Forma studia
Jazyk studia
25000 Kč
Termín uzávěrky přihlášek
31. 3. 2025
The Ph.D. graduate in the Romance literatures is a highly qualified specialist trained to conduct research work in his/her field (the literature of one or more Romance-speaking areas). He/she is able to analyse the literature of the chosen Romance-speaking area in a qualified manner, applying a synchronic or diachronic approach and with view to modern literary methods and research procedures. His/her specialisation is based also on the knowledge of the general theory of literature, the basis of the comparative literature and literary criticism with special view to the chosen Romance-speaking area. The graduate is entitled to apply for a position in an academic environment (universities, research centres etc.); with his/her language skills and broad erudition the graduate may be employed in cultural institutions, the media, diplomacy, etc.