Délka studia
4 roky
Získaný titul
Forma studia
Jazyk studia
25000 Kč
Termín uzávěrky přihlášek
31. 3. 2025
The graduate is a highly educated expert able to conduct independent or team scientific work based on detailed research of the subject at issue, and to study the position of the subject within a relevant professional context. He/she is able to present results in a qualified and coherent manner to the wider professional as well as non-academic public through published research work and at scientific conferences, as well as through the popularization of the discipline. The graduate may gain employment in research at various academic institutions, scientific and teaching institutions (in tertiary education), as curator or researcher in museums and galleries, specialised institutions for care of monuments, on boards of editors of specialised journals, in various public institutions, in leading posts in the cultural field or local government.