Délka studia
4 roky
Získaný titul
Forma studia
Jazyk studia
25000 Kč
Termín uzávěrky přihlášek
31. 3. 2025
The Ph.D. graduate has in-depth theoretical knowledge in all principal fields of Egyptology and a detailed overview and an up-to-date understanding of the current state of research and associated problems. On the basis of the upheld Ph.D. dissertation, he/she is able to demonstrate exceptional quality in his/her specific specialization. The scholarly, language and analytical proficiency and skills of the graduate makes him/her fully equipped for a professional scholarly and pedagogic pursuit on an international level. The Ph.D. graduate may be employed in many top-rated institutions centred on the study of antiquity, as well as on the level of effective top executives in institutions partaking in cultural, political, economic or trading relations between the Czech Republic and Egypt.