Doktorské studium - prezenční

Anglophone Literatures and Cultures

Filozofická fakulta

Délka studia

4 roky

Získaný titul


Forma studia


Jazyk studia



25000 Kč



Termín uzávěrky přihlášek

31. 3. 2025


Graduates are highly qualified specialists in literary and cultural studies focused on Anglophone countries, especially the literatures and cultures of the British Isles and North America. They have a solid command of contemporary theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis and interpretation of texts in an interdisciplinary framework, are able to conduct independent research and to work at tertiary level in the areas of literary and cultural histories of the United Kingdom, USA, Ireland and other English-speaking countries, and in related literary and cultural areas. They have mastered the use of a wide range of sources and data and are able to communicate research results within academia as well as to the wider public. They are able to participate in group research projects and work in international research teams.

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