Délka studia
4 roky
Získaný titul
Forma studia
Jazyk studia
25000 Kč
Termín uzávěrky přihlášek
31. 3. 2025
Joint programme with the Slavonic Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The language of instruction is Russian. Graduates have been consistently trained to be able to conduct research in the field of either Slavic Philology or Slavic Linguistics. They have an overview of research relevant to the knowledge of the comparative structures, functions and use of Slavic languages from a synchronic and diachronic point of view, with emphasis on the language of specialisation. The graduate is well-guided in the methodology of the discipline, is able to set his/her own objectives and research methods on the basis of available literature, to select adequate methods of collection, description and evaluation of material and to reach relevant conclusions. The graduate has proven his/her skills in scientific communication, both written and oral. He/she is accustomed to team work, has experience organising scientific life and, as a rule, also of teaching.